Your child received this bicycle because the community surrounding their school cares about their future. In January of 2020 the Leesburg SDA Congregation voted that our focus would be on the young people in our community. Since that vote, our determination to impact youth, adults, parents and teachers has resulted in numerous community interactions including: Wonderful Wednesday, Bags of Love Program, Bicycle Reading incentive program for 2nd Grade, Sponsorship of a 2nd Grade Classroom in partnership with the Leesburg, FL Area Chamber of Commerce, the Sponsorship of iReady Incentive Program with the Leesburg, FL Elementary School, and more...
Why invest so heavily in our community's children?...because we love influencing tomorrow's influencers today.
It is our hope that your child will continue to read and learn so that their contribution to the future of our community is a positive one.
May you and your family be blessed.
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